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Estrada & Partners contributes once again against Children’s Cancer with Sant Joan de Déu hospital of Barcelona

Posted by crece on febrero 23, 2015
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The real estate consulting firm Estrada & Partners has extended his economical contribution to “Laboratori d’Investigació del Càncer del Desenvolupament” of Sant Joan de Déu hospital of Barcelona, which began four years ago and has been yearly resumed in order to contribute against Children’s Cancer.


The medical improvements of “Laboratori d’Investigació del Càncer del Desenvolupament” have been possible thanks to the received economical contribution, which helped to carry on the research and to diagnose cancer in children and young people, moreover to apply special protocols from the most important medical centers in the world.  

His labor has been recognized in international specialized publications about Children’s Cancer, being able to apply the most advanced treatments and diagnosis. All this had been possible thanks to their research team, composed by proficient researchers and unique in our country, where research projects such this one are currently few.

Though they have accomplished many goals, the struggle against this terrible disease can’t be ceased; consequently it is essential to support the research, in this case through funding from individuals and companies.

Fundació per la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu

Edifici Docent

Santa Rosa Street, 39-57 4th floor

Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Tel: 93 253 31 36 (Mercè Tura and Glòria García)

Fax: 93 600 97 71

E-mail: info@fsjd.org

Website: http://www.fsjd.org

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