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Market Report of logistics warehouses in Barcelona area during First Semester of 2013

Posted by crece on julio 9, 2013
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The market of logistics warehouses in Barcelona area is, nowadays, as attractive as ever for investors, who could find a wide range of logistics warehouses with the lowest prices of the last years. Also, it is the optimal time to position in the purchase of strategically located lands to develop large logistics platforms (above 20,000 m2), since the demand is maintained and the offer in the first ring of Barcelona is very scarce.

To support this analysis, below, we present detailed key information on logistics warehouses market in Barcelona area during the first semester of 2013:

–          The main operations of the year were: 23,000 m2 leased to Docout in Sallent (owned by ProLogis); 11,000 m2 “built to suit” leased in Sant Feliu de Buixalleu to Grupo Ibex (developed by Concerto)and 10,000 m2 leased to Airfarm in Barcelona (Parc Logístic Zona Franca).

–          The accumulated contracting of logistics warehouses amounted to 125,017 m2. First Ring, 81,404 m2; Second Ring, 39,500 m2, while in the Third Rind it was contracted 4,113 m2.

–          Logistics warehouses contracting in view, a minimum of 37,250 m2 (29.79%) correspond to new contracted surface (net), while the remaining 87,767 m2 (70.21%) correspond to the contracting carried out by companies who have relocated.

–          Registered logistics warehouses demand amounted to 350,650 m2, being distributed as follows: First Ring, 310.650m2; Second Ring, 15,000 m2; and 25,000 m2 in the Third Ring.

–          The vacancy rate of logistics warehouses today is 24.03%, distributed as follows: First Ring, 19.43%; Second Ring, 28.67%; Third Ring, 33.22%.

–          Logistics warehouses average output rents in the First Ring stood at 4.62 € /m2 / month, in the Second Ring 3.08 € and 2.20 € /m2 / month in the Third Ring.

–          No new logistics warehouses or speculative projects have been initiated, bringing that the total area of state-of-the-art logistics warehouses for rent remains 2,555,400 m2, of which 1,547,500 m2 are located in the First Ring, 472,600 m2 in the Second and 535,300 m2 in the Third Ring.

The logistics team of ESTRADA & PARTNERS is at your disposal to make a personalized presentation of the logistics warehouses’ market study in Barcelona influence area or to find the most attractive logistics warehouse options to your needs.

Estrada & Partners is a real estate consulting firm specialized in logistics and industrial sectors, where it provides services of Brokerage, Asset Management, Asset Valuation, Consultancy and Land. Thanks to the high specialization and results achieved over the last years, Estrada & Partners has been preferred supplier to merchandize in exclusivity the assets for AXA Real Estate, Goodman, Invesco,  PointPark Properties (P3), Morgan Stanley, General Electric Real Estate, Inbisa and CBSM. At the time, Estrada & Partners is commercializing a total of 150,000 m2 in Barcelona area.

For further information, please contact us through our website estradapartners.com or arrange a meeting by telephone +34 93 215 16 50.


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